Thursday, April 22, 2010

Getting Organized - Again

I used to be one of those super organized people. You know the type... a clean desk, a tidy house, able to instantly locate anything, a to-do list that actually got done (mostly). Yes, that was me. Was. Lately, I've been slipping. Clutter seems to have taken over my house when I wasn't looking, and I have this huge to-do list that doesn't seem to be getting any shorter.

I was reading blogs today (which may be part of the reason I'm not getting much done), and I think I may have found a solution. Amanda at Tall Glass of Water recommended the free "52 Missions" program from Get Organized Wizard. Sounded good, so I said "sign me up!"

I'm committed!

So, I signed up and just received the e-mail with my first mission. The mission is to fill a hu-u-uge trash bag with "stuff" to throw away. This could be fun. Hmmm, I wonder if my husband and son will mind if I throw some of their stuff away, too.

I'm hoping this project will also give me an incentive to post more regularly. Hey, it could happen!

Wish me luck.


Holly Renee said...

I saw this on her blog too. I think I am gong to be signing up soon. I hope it works for both of us. Although I am the type that has never been organized, so I may have a bit more to do.

LeAnn Knight said...

Hi Holly! Glad you stopped by! I hope you do decide to sign up. I have to admit that I haven't done the first mission yet, but I plan to get it done before the weekend is over. So much to do... so little time!

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