"If you want something done, ask a busy person." This is so true! Busy people are organized. Busy people have great resources. Busy people can juggle multiple priorities. Busy people rarely say no.
Busy people are exhausted.
I know. I am a busy person, and I frequently live in a state of chaos with my crowded schedule and ever-growing "to do" list. It's been like this most of my life. At my high school choir banquet, I was presented with the "workaholic" award. I wasn't there to accept the award... I was working that evening.
I work a full-time job to support my family. I cook, I clean (sort of) and I sew. I chaperon the high school band at football games and competitions. I hold several volunteer positions with Boy Scouts and regularly help at special events.
I sometimes find myself thinking that I can relax after I finish (insert current project here) . But when each project is finished, another one is waiting to fill the void.
My friends and family don't understand. Why do I take on these added responsibilities? Do I have a desire to feel needed? Am I searching for approval?
But for me, it's much more than that.
It's the smile on my family's faces as they model their new Renaissance costumes. It's all the kids calling me "mama" on the band bus. It's camping with my son and our Scouting friends. It's meeting new people and making new friends. It's congratulating 46 adults who just completed their Wood Badge training course and seeing the looks (and tears) of gratitude on their faces.
It's the best feeling in the world.
Oh I hear you loud and clear. I sometimes wonder if the need to be "over-programed" is a personality disorder! But you're so right, our busy-ness brings us so many amazing things!
Ada - Maybe we're addicted to the "high" that follows when the fruits of our labors are harvested. Could it be that the fruits are fermented? ;)
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