Wednesday, October 6, 2010

The Half-Time Show

Most folks refer to this time of year as football season, but at our house, it's marching band season. The after school practices, the Friday night games, the weekend competitions... they have been a part of my son's life for four years now.  Aside from providing black socks, washing the band shirt and shorts, and attending a couple of games every season, I haven't really been involved with the marching band... until this year.

This is Jimmy's last year of high school, his last year of marching band, so I decided to become an active member of the band boosters.  Yes, I am officially a Band Mom.  I ride on the bus with the kids to games and competitions, help move equipment on and off the field, pass out water, take pictures or run the video camera, and answer to "mama" for 60+ teenagers. 

At first, I thought that I would be spending a lot of extra time with my son, but that isn't the case. We drive to and from the school together and see each other while moving equipment, but that's about all.  The rest of the time I am in the stands dancing and cheering with the other moms.  We try to pay attention to the game and cheer when our team scores, but we know we are all there for only one thing... half-time!  The team may win or lose, but the band always puts on a great show.

Last Saturday I attended my first band competition.  Working on very little sleep after the previous night's game, we arrived at the school at 6:00 AM.  After a quick review of video and a walk-through of their routine, we boarded the bus for the 1-1/2 ride to the host school. We arrived around 8:30 and started preparing for the 10:00 performance. After performing, the kids watched the other bands to see what their competition had to offer, and waited for the awards ceremony.

Evidently, the judges were impressed with our little band from Panther Land. They gave them a rating of 1, and awarded them with trophies for Outstanding Drum Line, Outstanding Drum Major, and Outstanding Overall Performance.  After three years of "almost, but not quite," the kids were thrilled to win three out of five categories for their division. 

I am so glad that I decided to be a part of this amazing group of individuals. I'd like to attend every single game and competition, unfortunately other committments will prevent this, but you can bet I will be there every time I can... with bells on.  Yes, I said bells.  Go Panthers!!

Due to my recent hospital stay and my new Band Mom duties, I've fallen behind on my 52 Organizing Missions. I plan to continue with the project and I have a few updates to add. 
  • #10 Clear out your closet. I pulled out a large bag full of clothes that I no longer wear. Still plenty of stuff that needs to be weeded out. I'd like to pull out everything and evaluate each item - something to plan for the future.  Done (for now).
  • #11 Create your wardrobe wish list.  I have more than enough clothes to meet my current needs. No need for a wish list.  Done.
  • #12 Organize your accounts and credit cards. Did this one several years ago. We have one checking account and a 529 savings for my son's college (next year!!!!). The credit cards have been whittled down to 4 - a gas card and 3 majors - and they are all paid in full every month. Done.
I'm expecting #25 tomorrow, so I have a lot of catching up to do.  Maybe when marching band season is over...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Visit and Follow From BFF(BlogFrog Friends).
would be nice to get visit and follow back.
Have a nice day.

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