There comes a time when you begin to wonder if your vehicle is worth keeping. You know... when you spend more time at the repair shop than you do on the road, or when the repair bill is more than your paycheck. This is where I am today. Once again, I'm waiting on a mechanic to finish working on my truck.
I've considered trading my '03 Explorer for a newer model, but now I feel like I have to keep it for a while longer to justify all the money that I've just put into it. Last week it was brakes and struts (and a few related things) - $2800. Then it was new tires - $550. And now I am looking at the possibility of having to replace the rear end - another $2500. Ugh! I'm working just to keep my truck running!
I do have to tell you that I'm really fortunate to have found a great shop to handle all my repairs - Milstead Automotive. They do a great job, they don't try to sell you repairs that you don't need, and they stand by their work. And no, they did not pay me anything to mention their services - I am just so happy with them that I felt I had to share. If you are in The Woodlands or Conroe area, this is a great place to take your vehicle. If you go there, you might see me... patiently working on my laptop as I wait for them to complete yet another repair.