Friday, February 4, 2011

Tiny Dancer

The theme for week 5 of the MCP Project 52 is Muse.

I had trouble choosing a subject for this theme. There were so many things to choose from - my family, the cats, nature. All of these inspire me in different ways. Like many people, I find it difficult to make a choice when I have too many options, so I waited.

Predictions of snow in the Houston area caused schools and offices (including mine) to close today. I stayed home, waiting for the snow and (I hoped) inspiration. The expected snow never arrived. So much for the idea of a rare snow day photo shoot.

I grabbed my camera and crunched through the ice-covered grass, taking pictures of seed pods, leaves, birds and icicles. Then I noticed an icicle outside the back door. The shape of it reminded me of a tiny, graceful, dancer, and I knew that I had my photo for the week.

Muse n. Greek Mythology . Any of the nine daughters of Mnemosyne and Zeus, each of whom presided over a different art or science.

Do you see it, too?


Murr Brewster said...

I see it if the middle right protrusion is a lifted arm, but if you see it another way--there's no unseeing it.

LeAnn Knight said...

Uh-oh, now I'm wondering what you're seeing.

Unknown said...

Absolutely beautiful! I see it this way: upper protrusion is an arm folded backwards, the bottom of the icicle is a pointed foot and the bump near the bottom is a lifted and bended knee. This is so cool. Thanks for sharing!

LeAnn Knight said...

That's exactly the way I saw it, too. :)

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