Last week's theme (week 8) for the MCP Project 52 was The View From Here.
I noticed a bit of purple color peeking out from my leaf covered flower bed. Brushing the leaves aside revealed the hyacinth plant that had quietly sprouted and created beautiful blooms to welcome the arrival of Spring.
This little plant makes me smile when it blooms. I am reminded of the day I bought it off the clearance rack at Lowe's - an Easter leftover, more dead than alive. I was warned that if it had been forced to bloom for Easter, it might never bloom again. I decided to take a chance. After all, it was only a quarter.
The first Spring after we planted the bulb, it sprouted small green leaves. Nothing like the day lilies I was used to. This plant was small, a runt. We watched to see if it would bloom, but it never did. Sadly, I realized that the warnings were probably true. I thought about digging it up, but never did get around to it.
The next year, it sprouted tiny leaves again. Then, it surprised us with its pretty purple flowers. And this spring, though the plant is still small, the flowers are larger and prettier than ever. Almost as if the hyacinth is thanking me for taking a chance on it.
The view from here... it looks like Spring. And I think that quarter was a very good investment. :)
It's been a while since I reported on my 52 Organizing Missions progress. Here's the latest.
#40 Conquer Storage Space Demons
For me, this would be the attic and storage shed. I hate to admit it, but I haven't done anything with these yet. The storage shed will be a huge project, mostly due to the riding lawn mower (dead) that needs to go away and the crumbling floor that will need to be replaced. I will get it done, eventually. As for the attic... I went up there and looked around to determine how big the job really was. It's pretty big. I will need a completely free weekend (as if) to empty, sort and organize that space. I'm hoping to get it done soon - otherwise it will get too hot and will have to wait until next fall.
#41 Simplify Your Life - Possessions
This has been on-going for several months. I have been clearing out small areas, and letting go of those things that I no longer use or love. The teddy bear collection, which used to be huge, has been pared down to a few favorites, and the outdated country decor is steadily disappearing from the walls and shelves. The old VHS movies will be donated to our library for their Spring sale and next, I'll start sorting through the bookshelves.
#42 Simplify Your Life - Time
This is a tough one for me. I have trouble saying "no" and tend to over commit myself. With my son headed to college next fall, I have found someone to take over my role in our Boy Scout Troop and will be training him over the next few months. I am looking forward to staying active in Scouts, but it will be nice to know that I can take a week off when I want. I'm also coming to grips with the fact that I don't have to do everything perfectly. There IS such a thing as "good enough" and I'm able to accept that now.
#43 Declutter Your To-Do List
This is a tough one, but I'm working on it. I have a project list - things that I'd like to get done, but they aren't a high priority. This list is posted on my fridge - if I have some spare time, I can check the list to see if there is something that I can work on. If not, it can wait. I'm looking at my work routine to see if there are activities that can be eliminated.
#44 Live Within Your Home's Boundaries
Roughly translated - don't become a hoarder, keep only those things that fit neatly within the allocated space. We don't have a garage, so our camping gear sometimes seems to overflow the closet where it lives. I am constantly on the lookout for new storage ideas. Maybe when I get the attic and shed cleaned out...
It's hard to believe that there are only eight weeks left in this project. I haven't completed every step so far, but I am actively working on them. Am I becoming more organized? I'd like to think so.
1 comment:
Oh, I love this post. I am minimalist who married a collector. Do I have to say more?
Posted the recipe for you today. Have a wonderful weekend.
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