Monday, March 21, 2011

Darks and Lights

The super moon this weekend was the perfect subject for the weekly MCP Project 52 theme: Darks and Lights. I took this picture on Friday night, right before the submission deadline.  I was hoping to get some more shots on Saturday night, but it was too cloudy.

I love what this project has done for my blogging habit. I've gone from random, inconsistent posts to weekly posts. I'm still kind of random about which day I post, but then nobody's perfect. Especially not me.

I started carrying my camera to work most days, so I can catch those unexpected shots. My husband thinks it's quite amusing to watch me gathering all my bags as I head out the door. With my camera, purse, laptop and sometimes my lunch, I could sometimes use an extra hand. So, I am in the market for a new purse that will double as a camera bag - but not look like a camera bag. There are some great looking bags out there, but they tend to be a bit expensive. Let's face it, I'd rather spend my money on lenses and gadgets, so my current plan is to find a nice large bag and modify it with an insert. Wish me luck!

I am determined to keep up with my 52 Organizing Missions until the very end... which isn't all that far away. Since I last reported, I have done these:

#45 Organize Your Garden - We have one small flower bed. It has been weeded and I cleared out the dead leaves. A couple of the bulbs have come back and I'm hoping to get some new flowers planted next weekend. Yesterday, we mowed and trimmed the vines along the fence.

#46 Give Yourself a Makeover - Bought a couple of new shirts. Working on revamping the wardrobe, slowly and deliberately. Trying to get back into my workout routine. It's not easy, but I refuse to give up.

#47 Declutter Your Thinking Habits - Negative self-talk is something I am very good at. I'm trying to catch myself whenever I start to head down that dark path and talk myself into a u-turn. This one's tough!

One of the earlier projects - clearing out the old VHS tapes - is done. On Saturday, we delivered three boxes full of videos to our local library for their spring book sale. They were almost as excited to get them as I was to get rid of them. Win-win!

Only five more missions to go!


Anonymous said...

You are quite dedicated. Yet, if I may say so a bit hard on yourself. No one of us is perfect!!!!
Maybe you like to read this post from my personal blog:
I rather like the way how you try to get into a certain structure here in the virtual world. I was seldom good in continuing things I had started. Now 2.5 years down the time line, my blog has taught me consistency. You go girl!
Paula xxx

Paula & Skip said...

Passing by to show some love. Hope you are doing ok. Have a good weekend.

Unknown said...

Beautiful shot as always! Good luck with conquering the negative self-talk. That is a tough one!

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