Sunday, February 26, 2012

Weighing In - Week Thirty Five

Evidently my bathroom scale thinks it's a roller coaster, and I am not the least bit amused by the ride. I gained a pound again this week. So, what is it this time - water weight, stress, or those Girl Scout cookies? I don't know - I just know that this up and down thing is getting quite annoying. I'm ready for those numbers to get back to where they were before the holidays (one day soon, please), and then I can focus on moving forward. At 35 weeks, and less than a quarter of the way to my goal, I realize that it will take me more than a year to get there. Maybe I can make it in two.

I am encouraged that I'm still losing inches - half an inch each in my waist and chest.

My numbers for the week(s):
Pounds lost (-) or gained (+) this week:  +1.0
Total weight loss:  15.8
Inches lost (-) or gained (+) this week:  -1.0
Total inches lost:  28.0

Where do I get my best motivation?  From you and from my friends at the Empty the Junk from the Trunk group on Facebook. Stop by and check it out.

My current motivation:  My yoga pants. Yes, really! One pair still fits, but the other two are getting loose and I find myself hitching them up during my workout.  How awesome is that?