Sunday, March 18, 2012

Weighing In - Week Thirty Eight

Let me start by saying that I do not recommend a stomach virus as a weight loss program. Having said that, I started off my week by feeling icky on Monday and Tuesday, and skipping my workout both days. That progressed to stomach cramps, nausea and a need to stay close to the facilities on Wednesday and Thursday. Lucky for me that working from home is an option. I was able to get my work done, though I did take an extended lunch - with a nap - both days. By Friday, I was feeling mostly normal again, and was able to enjoy my floating holiday with my son, James.

I was a little worried that my complete lack of exercise during the week would have a negative effect on my weight loss results. Actually, it worked in my favor... maybe it was the nausea. Anyway, my total weight loss for the week was 3.2 lbs.
Since I've passed a 20 lb. mini-goal, I've decided to reward myself by getting the new workout system I've been wanting - Jillian Michaels' Body Revolution. I've earned it and it should help me with the remaining 49 lbs. I want to lose.

My numbers for the week(s):
Pounds lost (-) or gained (+) this week:  -3.2
Total weight loss:  20.8
Inches lost (-) or gained (+) this week:  -0.5
Total inches lost:  28.5

Where do I get my best motivation?  From you and from my friends at the Empty the Junk from the Trunk group on Facebook. Stop by and check it out.

My current motivation:  Shorts. Specifically getting rid of shorts. My size 16s have gone into the donation box and the 14s are about to follow. I still have some 12s left in the wardrobe, so I don't plan to buy any new ones until I can shop for a size 10, or maybe even an 8.