At the beginning of this year, I chose to set goals instead of making New Year's resolutions. Now that the year is coming to a close, it's time to review those goals and see how I did.
One of my goals for the year was to become a healthier person. In June, I finally got serious and started exercising regularly, with a goal of getting back to a healthy weight (losing 69 pounds). I haven't reached my goal weight yet, but I have managed to exercise at least 3 times each week (with only one exception). Part of my commitment was to be accountable and blog about my progress each week. I know that this is the reason I've stuck with it this time. I would consider the original goal met, and worthy of continuing.
Another goal was to make my home more comfortable by removing clutter. I've made a lot of progress, but still have work to do. I'm not sure that this is something that will ever be completely finished - especially when other family members (and their stuff) are involved.
Last year I bought myself a new camera for Christmas. My last goal was to learn how to use all the features. I've taken a lot of pictures this year - even framed a few - but I still have a lot to learn about my camera. I tried participating in a weekly photo challenge, but gave up after a couple of months when the topics didn't inspire me. Maybe I should create my own challenge where I just shoot what interests me. Hmm, I'll have to give that some thought.
I like these goals. I think that I'll keep them for next year as well.
Happy New Year, my friends!